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CCBCD classroom time plays a huge role in the lives of the students. Students come together here not just to have fun while learning but also to build strong and solid friendships through meaningful lesson discussions.


CCBC Dumaguete offers on-campus housing to any enrolled credit students who wish to live on-campus. The dorms are equipped with bunk beds, bathrooms and a study area. We have three student dormitories that serve as our students' home away from home, two that are designated for female students, and one for male students. On-campus students are also served three meals a day in our student dining area.


The Multi-Purpose Room provides a well-equipped space suitable for a wide range of activities such as conferences, worship nights and other big events. It is also where the staff, students and volunteers gather together first thing in the morning for group devotions, worship and prayer.


The State of the Art Recording Studio on campus is a hub for students learning about music recording. This is also where Steve Perkins teaches his class on Audio Fundamentals, Sound and Recording. Both local and international artists come to record their music here.


The cafe is designed to provide an area for students to enjoy fellowship and also a place conducive for studying. It is special for the students not only because they can bring food and beverages while they study but also because they keep each other awake during hectic school weeks. 


Payag is a Cebuano word that means "hut" or "native cottage", as it is made from native materials. Strategically situated in the middle of the grounds, close to the mini forest, the Payag is the hub of activity in the campus for staff and students, and a great venue for small group activities.  During the day, the fresh air and the scenery provides serenity, which is perfect for Bible reading and prayer time. 


The soccer field and volleyball court encourage the students and staff to pursue health goals through sports and recreation. These activities also provide avenues for fellowship, teamwork and friendly competition.

The basketball court has provided the staff and students an avenue for exercise and fellowship through shooting hoops. If you want to play or just watch the game, everyone is guaranteed to have a great time of fun and recreation.


This building has offices for the staff and teachers who keep the school affairs running. This is where ideas are born and decisions are made. This building also has two conference rooms where classes are held, as well as the student library and study area.

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